Launched in 2001, METOLA group now has been a Group Background local leader in south China in the development, manufacturing and marketing of Interventional & Implantable Cadiovascular devices, Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) devices and Anesthesiology pharmaceuticals and devices. Metola has established in China an integrated network of VIP customers and talent bank of medical experts, which provides extensive range of academic resource for R&D, production and marketing.
METOLA group set up in 2010 the first in-house medical devices manufacturing facility MaxenMed in Guangzhou, which is around 3000 square meters, with 100,000(ISO Class 8) clean room, sterile laboratory, and production lines for Inactive and Active Medical Devices as well. The site is equipped with internationally most advanced automatic Balloon production line from U.S.A., CE-complying Epoxyethane sterilization equipment and standardized electronics production line.